December 2022

The mood

What a transformative and eventful month. Traditionally a time of predictions for the year ahead, the news of China's Covid policy shifting was a welcome preferable future for our team. The experience of moving from nearly 3 full years of regular testing and tracing to the prospect of open borders, international travel, and a more normative mode of living felt like a dramatic change - a reality shift. And with such big changes, we experienced some bumps - like most of the team dealing with Covid for the first time - and also some of the celebration that came with a new sense of freedoms, like enjoying the World Cup, toasting the end of the year, and spending time with family and friends. 2022 has been a tough but a successful one, and we'd like to thank all our clients, partners and collaborators for this year.

The work

As is appropriate, we went into Christmas thinking about toys, dancing, and working on trends projects to help clients navigate 2023 and beyond.

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